5 Things I LOVE about Coding Bootcamps

Last week I talked about how Coding Bootcamps have changed the game forever. They promise jobs after only a couple weeks of "School." Lots of people are flocking to these over the more traditional college routes. I had a lot of negative things to say last week. However, they aren't all bad. Today, let's talk about the top 5 things I LOVE about Coding Bootcamps

1) Bootcamps are QUICK!

Wow, you can get done school in only a couple of months? Really? Actually…yeah. Most of these Coding Bootcamps are between 10-15 weeks. That means that you could get the same job as someone who spent four years in school would get. Theoretically, this means you could have almost four years of experience, and pay by the time you'd be graduating from a typical university. Sure, some of these longer Bootcamps can take upwards of 9 months; still, a drop in the ocean compared to what a traditional degree would take you.

2) Bootcamps have NO unrelated courses

That feels nice to say — no unrelated courses. In typical college settings, you'll be forced to take classes like art history, foreign language, and music. Sure, these are great for people who are interested in that field of work; however, if your end goal is to get a programming job, those classes are entirely unnecessary. Instead of spreading your time and focus on all sorts of different subjects, you can focus on the one main topic that will get you your job. Programming.

3) Bootcamps are friendly to people in need of a second chance

Bootcamps are extremely friendly to people in need of a second chance. Assuming you can get the money upfront (Or sign an income share agreement if you're going to a Bootcamp that supports it), then you're good. They don't care what you got on your test scores from high school. You could have been a terrible student previously and flunked your courses. None of that matters at a Bootcamp. Everyone going into the Bootcamp is usually around the same skill level. Sure, some are slightly better and slightly worse, but everyone there is relatively new at programming. Coding Bootcamps give you the chance to change your future no matter what your past may have held.

4) Bootcamps are unregulated

While not being regulated can undoubtedly have its downfalls, I believe, for the most part, this is a positive thing. Bootcamps are free to try new curriculums, fix what's not working, and iterate at an incredibly fast pace. There isn't nearly as much red tape as there is at a traditional four-year college. This means that a student can get the most up to date curriculum possible.

5) While attending Bootcamps, you'll meet some AWESOME people

While students may be a hit or miss, the "Hits" will be incredible people. The people you click with at a Bootcamp will be lifelong friends. Not only do these people most likely have a lot in common with you, but they are also battling the same struggles and journey you are (Bootcamp). This can prove invaluable when making friends. If making friends with the other students isn't your thing, then the instructors might be a good option. They are typically extremely friendly and excited to meet new people. They rarely have the same "your just a number" Attitude that a professor does. I've found them to be extremely friendly and interested in helping you succeed academically and socially while you're going through school.

Bootcamps can be a wonderful thing if chosen correctly. If you're a highly motivated individual who's ready to change your career, then a Bootcamp is certainly an option to consider!